You can make an immediate difference in the lives of your neighbors.
In-kind Donations of food, diapers and personal hygiene items can be delivered to our facility on Mondays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Financial Contributions may be mailed to P.O. Box 802, Austell, GA 30168
or made securely online using your VISA, Discover or MasterCard.
Sweetwater Mission Foundation Fund allows donors to receive maximum tax benefits from gifts made within your lifetime or later as part of a bequest or trust. This fund, administered through the Cobb Community Foundation, accepts gifts of cash, securities, real estate, retirement plans, charitable trusts, insurance gifts and bequests. For more information call 770-859-2366, email info@cobbfoundation.org or make a gift online by clicking here.
Feeds a family of four for one week
Gives a child new shoes, socks & underwear
Keeps the heat on for a senior citizen
Provides job readiness and life skills training
Become a Partner!
We are a coalition of local churches, businesses, civic groups, and caring individuals. Sweetwater Mission represents community at its very best!
Church Partnerships allow congregations to expand their local mission outreach with opportunities tailored to individual church dynamics. Church support through prayer, financial and in-kind donations, and voluteerism provides our strong base for our programs.
Business Partnerships offer flexible opportunities for businesses to benefit through giving. Business support often goes beyond traditional financial contributions to include critical in-kind item and service donations along with company matched giving programs and volunteer days of service.
Civic & Collaborative Partnerships are important in expanding awareness and strengthening the community. These group partnerships help provide strong networking and volunteer support.
Additional Ways to Help During the Holidays
Sweetwater Mission provides 3,000 turkeys to families
during the holidays!
Click here to learn more.
Our Community Food Partners Make a Difference!