"Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "sweetwatermission.org", "Id": "59a32baf-fbcd-476e-8d8b-9cbfbbd8bc1b"
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Cornerstone Partner Program


Your generous contribution will have a meaningful and long-lasting impact on our work in the community and you will receive unique and customized year-long recognition. All packages are completely customizable! In addition to the event sponsorship benefits Cornerstone Partners will be recognized for twelve months in the following ways:


  • Sweetwater Mission website

  • All event T-Shirts

  • Signage at all events

  • Sweetwater Mission printed newsletters

  • Vendor Booth at all festivals

  • Partnership at all events

Santa 5K.JPG

This level offers you a Presenting Sponsorship at one of our major events PLUS Premium Sponsorships at four other events



This level offers you a Presenting Sponsorship at one of our major events PLUS Supporting Sponsorships at four other events



This level offers you a Premium Sponsorship at one of our major

events PLUS Supporting Sponsorships at four other events



This level offers you Supporting Sponsorships at all five events

For more information on the Cornerstone Partner Program or other sponsor opportunities

contact Debbie Ginocchio,Development Director at 770-846-0469 or Debbie@SweetwaterMission.org

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